
Hey! These are just my thoughts about confusing feelings, nothing personal 🙂

You know what is the hardest thing to explain and the hardest thing to understand? Feelings yes feelings! Like when you were 6 and you saw that boy/girl in your classroom and you felt like there is something special, that he/she is the one you love but no these feelings they confuse us because after some years when you were in middle school you started liking someone else and then in high school you are liking/dating a completely different person, so why? Why do we feel the same feelings with all these different people? Why don’t we feel special and loved with only and only the right one why do we feel this love and then get broken why this person enters in your life and loves you, gives all the best of him or her and then leave , just get out of your life like nothing ever happened and this is why a lot of people in this world are scared of being loved, scared of catching feelings sacred of loving some which is one thing that you should not be scared of, one thing that you should do openly with all your heart without any insecurity that others are going to leave you but instead the ratio of people loving each other is much lower that people hating each other. And why those people who are suppose to love you sometimes hurt you so much that you don’t even love yourself ,why these people who say that they are always going to love you break you apart so much that you cannot even fix yourself?

I am talking about love and feelings not only between a girl and a boy, am talking about every relationship whether it’s with your mom or with your sibling or just any one.

if you don’t agree then remember that these are my views or opinion

This is what I wrote which lead me to writing this blog

I tried not to,

Think about you

I tried not to,

Show it

I tried not to,

Love you

But I end up trying not to,

Wake up.


Thanks for reading if you have any questions or suggestions leave them in the comment box.

Instagram: theanonymousgirlwrites

Twitter: @anonymousgirlbg

simply me.







  1. I really like the poem at the end of your post. I usually hate reading poetry because I don’t understand it but this one has really got to me 🙂 ❤

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